For you, my dear.
A bouquet of fresh chosen wildflowers for you, my friend, courtesy of the “floral artisans” at the regional playground.

Translation: Connor as well as the other bit woman she was playing with ran up as well as down every hill plucking every yellow flower in sight when we were at the playground the other day, as well as when I was handed the final bouquet, my very first believed was, “Oh, this is so pretty. I question exactly how numerous dogs have pee’d on these flowers.” ?


Got a few things on my mind today that I wished to chat with you about, including broadening my makeup understanding with a couple of new books, as well as a classy styling tool that will permanently modification the method you see flat irons.

Also, there’s a healthy, yummy, simple poultry recipe at the end that I believe everybody — even the pickiest eaters — will love. It’s so great that if Tabs were around, I’m sure he’d try to take the food off my plate.



Katter og sminke Sweatshirt ??

$ 42.

Handle nå

As I understand you know, this last month I was reminded that life is blisteringly (and unfairly) short. To put it mildly, this has lit a terminate ? under my @ss, as well as now I want to discover as much as I can about anything as well as whatever — all of my interests. one of those interests, of course, is makeup.

I mean, I do understand a thing or two about it already, however there’s a whole broad world of methods as well as history as well as charm vocabulary that I’ve yet to discover.

Kevin James Bennett, MUA as well as outspoken dude

This month I’ve been reading a couple of books that were suggest by makeup artist Kevin James Bennett. He’s an Emmy award-winning MUA as well as a somewhat questionable existence on social network since he goes for the jugular when it concerns calling out what he sees is wrong about present charm influencer culture.

Reading is fundamental.
While I don’t have the mental bandwidth to offer keeping that element of his material (again, life is short), I like the technical info he offers on his Instagram as well as his blog.

He composed a listing of his most-used makeup recommendation books, as well as I chosen up two of them from Amazon: Color: A program in Mastering the Art of mixing color by Betty Edwards, as well as The makeup artist Handbook by Gretchen Davis as well as Mindy Hall.

I’ve only been able to skim a few chapters in color so far, however they were fascinating! The book dives deeply into the art as well as science of color mixing as well as explores the vocabulary as well as theory behind it.

I want to be able to comprehend the “why” behind which colors “go” finest with which colors in makeup, photography as well as life in general.

A bit consumed with this cover
Hue as well as value!
The other book, The makeup artist Handbook, is like a succinct handbook on whatever you’d ever requirement to understand as well as own to do makeup on a production set. It’s written for experts as well as working artists in the market as well as covers a broad range of things I’ll most likely never requirement to do (like producing a beard! FROM SCRATCH!), however they’re still fun to know.

Does that eye in the middle freak you out?
Lots of detail
You discover something new every day.
Stuff I can utilize in daily life
And just in situation you requirement to make a beard!
I believe from a laid-back makeup lover’s standpoint, the chapters on charm makeup as well as natural makeup for photography as well as film are the most helpful as well as helpful, so I can’t wait to dive into that.

Mini flat irons are a thing

Check out this cool bit piece of devices I chosen up just recently at Ulta. It’s a small flat iron!

LOOK exactly how thin THE PLATES ARE! They’re so skinny.

Skinnier than your skinniest pair of skinny denim (ya know, the ones that make you feel like a sausage in a casing)
I had no concept that small flat irons were even a thing up until I just recently looked for different methods to smooth the crazy rogue infant hairs around my hairline (because I understand that plucking them isn’t a long-lasting solution).

“Cuz I understand you like it hot.” Lol!
They’re generally utilized to tame extremely short hairstyles like pixie cuts since the ultra-thinness of the plates lets you get better to the scalp than a conventional flat iron.

I utilized it for the very first time yesterday, as well as yes — you can certainly get close to your roots.

Like, uncomfortably close.

On the one hand, awesome. On the other, I’m deathly scared I’m going to unintentionally shed myself.

The half-inch plate, with the ghd 1-inch plate for size
It assisted to smooth down my infant hairs, though, so that’s a plus. I’ll have to do it a few much more times to get into a flow… (If you see me rocking a Disney Princess Band-Aid across my forehead in the next few days, you’ll understand what happened.)Kulinarisk fornektelse

Her er noe som bare skjedde for meg etter at jeg ga fødsel til Connor: Jeg må lage middag for henne hver kveld for de neste 18 årene.

Hvorfor pekte noen ikke noe ut til meg på spedbarnsjen?

Jeg søker permanent etter middagsoppskrifter for å legge til rotasjonen, så jeg gjorde dette bakte roll-up fjærfe den andre natten for aller første gang fra en oppskrift på den store

Den primære grunnen til at jeg ønsket å prøve det var siden det uttalt at den generelle tiden det ville ta fra begynnelsen til å fullføre, inkludert prep-tid, var 35 minutter.

Her er det de ser ut før du poper dem i ovnen …
…og etter! De krymper ned ganske mye.
La oss spise!
Forbedre glutenfrie breadcrumbs, siden jeg nektet å betale $ 9 for de forhåndsdefinerte jeg oppdaget på Safeway.
Mens det var helt deilig, så vel som alle gobbled dem opp … det er ingen metode i helvete det var et 30-minutters måltid. Det tok omtrent en time fra begynnelsen å fullføre.

Gitt, jeg måtte knuse noen glutenfrie kjeks for å lage brødkrummene. (Side notat: Banging Sh * t ut av kjeks med en rullende pin er merkelig terapeutisk. Du burde prøve det en gang.) Så vel som jeg likevel måtte tynn skive noen av de tykkere koteletter, som tok en stund.


Likevel, jeg ville gjøre det igjen.

Ditt vennlige samfunn sjarmavhengig,


Drugstore needs and Nopes, Vol. 3
Søndager med faner katten, sminke og skjønnhetsblogg mascot, vol. 393

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